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Roots: The Saga of an American Family [With Headphones]



It begins with a birth in an African village in 1750, and ends two centuries later at a funeral in Arkansas. And in that time span, an unforgettable cast of men, women, and children come to life, many of them based on the people from Alex Haley’s own family tree. When Alex as a boy growing up in Tennessee, his grandmother used to tell him stories about their family, stories that went way back to a man she called The African who was taken aboard a slave ship bound for Colonial America. As an adult, Alex spent twelve years searching for documentation that might authenticate what his grandmother had told him. In an astonishing feat of genealogical detective work, he discovered the name of the AfricanKunta Kinteas well as the exact location of the village in West Africa from where he was abducted in 1767. Roots is based on the facts of his ancestry, and the six generations of peopleslaves and freedmen, farmers and lawyers, an architect, teacherand one acclaimed authordescended from Kunta Kinte.

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Findaway World

Publish Date

October 01, 2007


Pre-Recorded Audio Player


4.83 X 7.78 X 1.15 inches / 0.37 pounds


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