For over three decades, I have been a Seeker and Sharer of other ways of healing. As a former registered nurse, and professor of nursing, a major part of my mandate was to contribute to individual and family health and wellness both through hands-on care and education.
But my knowledge and experience were grounded in a medical model. I am like many of my contemporaries in that we have been steeped in the approach to health care which encouraged taking over the counter and prescribed medications for every ailment. —as the saying goes, “a pill for an ill”.
However, during a visit to England in the 1990’s I noticed that Essential Oils were being diffused on hospital units in order to enhance the client’s healing process.
Let me admit that this both surprised and impressed me. I had not seen Essental Oils used in Health Care before.
I was so intrigued that I promised to research the connection between health and healing and Essential Oils.
My innate curiosity led me to purchase oils primarily for inhalation purposes. To my disappointment, some of them resulted in headaches, unwanted nasal congestion and watery eyes. This tells me that all oils are not equal—But we will get to that in another episode.
I am thrilled to say, that since a friend offered me a high quality oil to help me with a stubborn cough, my world and interest in Essential Oils have evolved. I now know for certain that Essential Oils when used safely can provide a simple yet profound approach to addressing everyday health/wellness concerns.
Most importantly Essential Oils are easy to use. I have since shared Oils with individuals to help with swollen feet, pain, impaired sleep, Gut issues, memory, emotions /mood. And they all have amazing testimonials.
I must admit that while there is still need for many of the medications that physicians prescribe….I am more drawn to the powerful benefits of Essential Oils.
My experience with Essential Oils has now placed me on a path where I now have a heightened passion to teach those in my world how to embrace and include these Oils in their own wellness and holistic health care journey.