
The Children of Color Illustrated Bible Storybook is an amazingly illustrated children’s Bible. It has stunning illustrations of people of color, which is an inspiration to African American and children of color. Children learn that they were a part of God’s plans from the beginning of His creation. The Bible storybook has 11 well known stories, retold from the Bible that help build Christian character in children. The amazing illustrations in the Bible storybook will leave a strong and positive impression on children throughout the world for many years of their lives and beyond. The Children of Color Illustrated Bible Storybook is a great tool for parents and Christian educators to teach God’s Word to young children, while instilling in them Christian character. The collection of 11 well known Bible stories are as follows: The Creation, The Garden of Eden, Noah’s Ark, The Tower of Babel, The Ten Commandments, The Golden Calf, The Queen of Sheba, Esther is Crowned Queen, Esther Saves Her People, Angels Visit Mary and The Birth of Christ. The Bible Storybook is also a source of inspiration to the entire family.

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Independently published (August 29, 2020)

Publication date

August 29, 2020

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